IANS -- Ch 7 and 8
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"Activists tell dramatic stories, with suffering innocents who are victimized by culpable forces of evil..." (117) To me, the most notable aspect of IANS ch. 7 was the author’s discussion of activists and their role in perpetuating risk in the... Read More
"By now it's almost a commonplace that many American's are overly afraid of risks - and that thier fears are often magnified by alarmist reporting." This can be seen as true because alarming news sells the majority of newspapers. If... Read More
In chapter 7 I found the case study on breast cancer to be very interesting. The quote, "The activists have attempted to drum up support by emphasizing-and, we will see, exaggerating-the very grave danger posed by breast cancer," made me... Read More
IANS CH 7 & 8 ...dramatic coverage designed to heighten fear is simply better remembered than more analytic coverage that might lower it. After all, drama is, well, more dramatic than cold-blooded analysis. (IANS 130)... Read More
Two Quotes: Drama, of course, is most compelling when there are heroes and villains. Thus researchers have found that "risks tend to be perceived as more serious when there is someone to blame." (116 Chapter 7 IANS) "In sum, being... Read More
Oy. Until it decides to show up as a trackback, here's my entry: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/VanessaKolberg/022010.html
Tried it as a trackback, but it didn't seem to work. So here ya go, read on. http://blogs.setonhill.edu/MadelynGillespie/2007/10/americans_afraid_of_risks_i_wo.html
Karma will come after you trackbacks...My entry
Karma will come after you trackbacks...My entry
justttt incase trackbacks still do not work
This is the same one ....I think
Check it out!
Here is a link for everyone to use: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/MitchellSteele/2007/10/kramer_vs_newman.html
Here's my entry: