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ChelseaOliver on Media Commentary: I like using the computers in
Ellen Einsporn on Media Commentary: Trackbacks not working but her
Maddie Gillespie on Media Commentary: Since the trackbacks are being
DaniellaChoynowski on Media Commentary: I like the fact that this clas
Carrie Kraszewski on Media Commentary: Here is a link to my comment,
Michelle Polly on Media Commentary: I thought the videos were funn
Jackie Johns on Media Commentary: In case it doesn't work, here'
Maria on Media Commentary: My entry is here: http://blogs
Corey Struss on Media Commentary: The trackbacks were queued up.
Nessa on Media Commentary: My entry is here: http://blogs
Ellen Einsporn on Media Commentary: Trackbacks not working but her
Maddie Gillespie on Media Commentary: Since the trackbacks are being
DaniellaChoynowski on Media Commentary: I like the fact that this clas
Carrie Kraszewski on Media Commentary: Here is a link to my comment,
Michelle Polly on Media Commentary: I thought the videos were funn
Jackie Johns on Media Commentary: In case it doesn't work, here'
Maria on Media Commentary: My entry is here: http://blogs
Corey Struss on Media Commentary: The trackbacks were queued up.
Nessa on Media Commentary: My entry is here: http://blogs
Jeremy Barrick
Daniella Choynowski
Chelsea Cooper
Ellen Einsporn
John Fish
Tiffany Gilbert
Madelyn Gillespie
MacKenzie Harbison
Jacquelyn Johns
Vanessa Kolberg
Carrie Kraszewski
Bethany Merryman
Shannon Moskal
Chelsea Oliver
Maria Pezzuti
Michelle Polly
Josh Sanchez
Ethan Shepley
Mitchell Steele
Corey Struss
Jara White
Stephanie Wytovich
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Trackbacks didn't work-here is the address for my post. Sorry, but still read it, please.
Ok...some of the things that I like about the course website is that it has the days that you have class. You can just click on them and find out what is due for that day which really helps. I also like that we can comment on each others blogs and really get into discussion about things. What I dont like about this website is that Im not always sure as to WHEN assignments are due. It gets a little confusing at times but apparently I manage so its all good.
Trackbacks didn't work-here is the address for my post: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/mt/mt-tb.cgi/10612. Sorry, but still read it, please.
Some things i like about the wesite, is the fact that we are able to get our assignment as far ahead of time as we would like. We can always come in and see whats do. I also like that we are able to comment about everyones blog. I've never used blogs before, and this website has helped me learn to sort of like them. I am a very opinionated person, and can sometimes relate well to my peers blogs, and usually even if I don't relate I can find something to say if I need to.
Something I don't like about the website is that I'm not always 100% sure of what we have to do. I get confused about where our assignments are, and whether or not we need to turn things in online or comment and other things like that.
My entry is here: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/VanessaKolberg/021823.html
The trackbacks were queued up. Here is the link to my blog entry! http://blogs.setonhill.edu/CoreyStruss/2007/10/the_issues_of_tv_journalism.html
My entry is here:
In case it doesn't work, here's a link to my blog entry:
I thought the videos were funny and somewhat helpful as to let me know what should and should be done with the news!
Here is a link to my comment, since trackbacks are being goofy...
I like the fact that this class is computer based. All asignments and agenda items for the day are posted on the course website. That way, there is hardly ever any confusion on what is due. Newswriting is definately one of the most organized classes I have ever taken.
Since the trackbacks are being a drag...here's my blog. After reading it you might have the sneaking suspicion that I've been struck by lightening!
Trackbacks not working but here's my entry.
I like using the computers in this class because it gives that extra help when we're back "home" to do our work and gives us what we're supposed to do. I like how well organized the class is, even while you were sick(er) it is still a very organized class.
However, something I don't like is actually written in my blog so you can check it out there.