WB 11: Article 2 Progress

Upload to Turnitin.com an informal report on your progress for Article 2.

  1. What interviews have you conducted? (In person, by telephone, by e-mail?)
  2. What interviews have you scheduled? (In person, by telephone, by e-mail?)
  3. What interview subjects have you identified, but not yet approached? (In person, by telephone, by e-mail?)
  4. What background research have you conducted (links to or quotations from specific articles that have helped you begin your work; book chapters, handouts, or other resources that have helped you get started; other planning?)
  5. What changes, if any, did you make to your angle in order to make it more newsworthy (relevant to a wide number of readers, not just those who already happen to be interested in your chosen subject; tied to an event that is current, not old news; etc.)
  6. Draft your lead, based on the information you have already gathered.
  7. Is there a key person that you absolutely must interview, or the story will fall apart?
    • If you have already done your most important interviews, good for you! 
    • If not, what is your backup plan, if it turns out you can't get that interview in time?
  8. What, if anything, can I do for you at this point to help you do your best work?

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