It’s unfair to treat every gaffe as evidence of malice or incompetence. But were Trump’s demonstrably false statements gaffes?

5 years ago

Public officials misspeak all the time. Journalists make mistakes all the time. Ordinary citizens over-react to headlines without reading the…

The Shape of the World, According to Old Maps

5 years ago

Who Watches the Watchers (ST:TNG Season Three Episode 4) Rationalist, talky mythbusting

5 years ago

Rewatching ST:TNG after a 20-year break. After a primitive, rationalist society mistakes Federation technology for supernatural power, Picard must do…

Fact check: Trump utters series of false and misleading claims at coronavirus briefing

5 years ago

Not fake news. Not the enemy of the American people. “Nobody ever thought a thing like this could have happened,”…

The Nightingale (WAOB Audio Theatre)

5 years ago

I haven't done any audio theatre recordings in a while (thanks, coronavirus) and I miss it. Here's my interpretation (recorded…