This class has been everything that I expect it would be and I cannot believe that we are so close to its end.

5 years ago

Some days are slogs.  Some weeks are slogs. Some weeks are slogs that end with a wonderfully heartening comment from…

How Artists on Twitter Tricked Spammy T-Shirt Stores Into Admitting Their Automated Art Theft

5 years ago

Yesterday, an artist on Twitter named Nana ran an experiment to test a theory. Their suspicion was that bots were actively…

My Freshman Comp Student Didn’t Recognize the Term ‘Word Processor’

5 years ago

Most of my students use MS-Word, but maybe a third use Google Docs (that’s a big increase lately) and a…

The Most Unexpected Workplace Trend Coming in 2020: the Return of the Liberal Arts Major

5 years ago

On LinkedIn each year author Dan Schawbel writes a list of workplace trends to watch for in the coming year. This time around…

The Dauphin (ST:TNG Rewatch, Season 2, Episode 10)

5 years ago

A pretty 16yo destined to bring peace to a war-torn planet falls for Wesley, but 1) her governess disapproves and…

That Uplifting Tweet You Just Shared? A Russian Troll Sent It

5 years ago

Professional disinformation isn’t spread by the account you disagree with — quite the opposite. Effective disinformation is embedded in an…

Big Calculator: How Texas Instruments Monopolized Math Class

5 years ago

My math education predated the widespread use of graphing calculators. I remember writing my own BASIC programs to graph simple…