Fast-paced, articulate cast shines in Viking-themed Othello

5 years ago

I saw my first Food for Groundlings show this weekend. It won't be my last. I see a lot of…

Is this why oldsters love nostalgia?

5 years ago

I'm 50. I'm in my office casually sharpening my CGI skills, and I get a huge rush when tweets mention…

Finland is Winning the War on Fake News

5 years ago

This is story is from May, but it's very relevant. Standing in front of the classroom at Espoo Adult Education…

Branding Essentials for the English Major: 4 Examples of How to Re-package Your Skills for Employers

5 years ago

It seems every week some “expert” publishes an article lamenting on the fact that if college students want to ensure…

Interior Detail of Steampunk Convertible Gazebo

5 years ago

Spent much of Tuesday wrestling with code to display messages like "Press E to Open" and connecting them to animations.…

Set Phasers to Teach!

5 years ago

Fans of Star Trek have thus already been introduced to the plays of William Shakespeare, and experienced intertextual analysis in action as…

Detailed Articulation of Feet in Unity3D

5 years ago

I'm following a lot of tutorials, and continue to make progress in Unity3D. My character's feet now react better with…

Video-Game Violence Is Now a Partisan Issue

5 years ago

Scholar and essayist Ian Bogost traces the history of video game scapegoating, noting that while the panic used to be…

Coming up for the girl is another classic show: The Fantasticks.

5 years ago

So looking forward to seeing her in this! Oct 18 - 27, 2019 at The Theatre Factory (Trafford, Pa.)

Steampunk Ex Machina

5 years ago

In the steampunk bedtime stories I used to tell my kids, the characters would embark on Earthbound adventures or welcome…