Fascinating details in reports about Trump’s Russian retraction

6 years ago

We're all still reeling from Trump's statement yesterday that he "didn't see any reason why it would be" true that…

Perspective | After a stunning news conference, there’s a newly crucial job for the American press

6 years ago

I have always taken a neutral stance in my journalism classes, modeling the objective nature of reporting the news "without…

Flipped Classes: Omit Housekeeping Mechanics from Recorded Lectures to Lengthen Their Shelf-life

6 years ago

When a Facebook friend asked for tips on teaching a large class, I inventoried what I've learned about the flipped…

Those #fakenews people are at it again. #freepress #journalism #payattention

6 years ago

Journalist Sam Husseini, who had been holding a sign that said "Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty," was forcibly removed from the…

Facebook touts fight on fake news, but struggles to explain why InfoWars isn’t banned

6 years ago

10 points to CNN's Oliver Darcy for working both "when asked about" and "this reporter" into a news story that…

Humanities and STEM Can and Should Get Along Better

6 years ago

In my lit and writing classes, I regularly encounter STEM students who are frustrated because I won't deliver a lecture…

In journalism, nuances such as “sources tell us…” “reportedly…” “it appears…” “confirmed…” matter.

6 years ago

I don't click on headlines that use words like "might be" or "possibly." Journalists are not in the business of…