How does our 21st century understanding of mental health affect our understanding of Hamlet? As a teacher, I have for…
My sister the computer programmer benefitted early in her career because she was an excellent writer. She was so good…
Peter spent the day at a chess tournament -- the biggest he's participated in yet. He won three games and…
I already have some handouts on writing titles for web pages and writing titles for college papers. I don't (at…
This is a challenging writing task. Presidential biographies are a staple of children’s book publishing, and of classrooms across the…
All of us with Facebook accounts do work for Mark Zuckerberg. Our tagging, sharing, and liking gives Facebook valuable information…
My kids have never seen The Princess Bride. (This is an odd pop culture gap for my 80s-obsessed girl.)
A literary work is a powerful tool for simulating what it's like to inhabit someone else's life. Not just tolerating…
It's extremely important to understand what a wide range of people are thinking about, and that includes being exposed to…