Why I disagreed with my students who said, “That was easy!”

2 years ago

"That was easy!"   Today three different students made some variation of that statement.   In that class, we are…

Which State Offers The Best Online Casino With No Deposit Bonus?

2 years ago

An in-person casino opened up a few years ago in the shopping mall near my house. I haven't been inside,…

You are personally responsible for becoming more ethical than the society you grew up in.

2 years ago

Some people out there will never like you, no matter what you do. Some hurting and traumatized people will latch…

Credible case that a lost Shakespeare sonnet has been identified

2 years ago

A dedication in the script of a 1603 Ben Jonson play (Sejanus: His Fall) may have been written by Shakespeare,…

Rhythm of the Dance (Irish dance, song, and music touring show)

2 years ago

My family thoroughly enjoyed this performance at Greensburg's Palace.