Adobe steals your color

2 years ago

What a horrible situation. The Adobe monthly leases are way too expensive for a student paper that only prints a…

Media Bias Chart version 10 — Left / Center / Right; Fact vs Fabrication; (Ad Fontes Media)

2 years ago

The very useful "media bias chart" is one of several useful ways to classify sources of journalism. UPDATE: See the…

Destiny (#StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch, Season 3, Episode 15) An ancient prophecy tests Kira’s faith and Sisko’s patience

2 years ago

Rewatching ST:DS9 The station prepares to welcome Cardassian engineers. While Sisko and Quark are hopeful, Downer Dax doubts the technobabble,…

AI-generated essays are nothing to worry about (opinion)

2 years ago

After reviewing 22 AI essays I asked my students to create, I can tell you confidently that AI-generated essays are…