The Wedding Present

2 years ago

I'm approaching day 900 in my Duolingo adventure in German. (I have no practical reason for this study. It was…

State officials: Bushy Run staff must consult with Native groups before staging reenactments

2 years ago

When my kids were younger, trips to Busy Run (and other local historical sites) were often a big part of…

GenZ prefers searching with TikTok, Instagram over Google

2 years ago

Educating myself about how today's college students search for information online.

The House of Quark (#StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch, Season 3, Episode 3) Quark accidentally kills a deadbeat Klingon

2 years ago

Rewatching ST:DS9 On a slow night at the bar, Quark grumbles expositionally to Rom (reminding viewers of recent story arc…