All Good Things… (#StarTrek #TNG Rewatch, Season 7, Episode 25) Picard faces a timey-wimey puzzle in three different timelines

2 years ago

Rewatching ST:TNG When we all first met the crew of the Enterprise-D, I was an undergraduate living in a dorm…

Please use the microphone at public events (I have an auditory processing disorder and can’t understand you — even if you shout really loudly from your seat)

3 years ago

Still recovering from this morning's three-hour training session. Huge echoey room. Lots of masked people talking, some of whom were…

Preemptive Strike (#StarTrek #TNG Rewatch, Season 7, Episode 24) Lt. Ro’s loyalties are tested during an undercover mission

3 years ago

Rewatching ST:TNG The newly promoted Lt. Ro, overwhelmed at a surprise "welcome back from tactical school" party, is disappointed when…

“Wolf!”, cried the shepherd boy. (The whole thread is worth reading.)

3 years ago

Ungrading after 11 weeks

3 years ago

Mathematics professor Robert Talbot reports on his ongoing experiment with ungrading -- giving feedback and emphasizing the students' metacognition, rather…

Emergence (#StarTrek #TNG Rewatch, Season 7, Episode 23) Enterprise-D subsystems exhibit emerging intelligence

3 years ago

Rewatching ST:TNG When I first read a blurb about this episode, I thought maybe the ship's computer would develop an…