As my father [Neil Postman] pointed out, a written sentence has a level of verifiability to it: it is true or not true – or, at the very least, we can have a meaningful discussion over its truth. (This was pre-truthiness, pre-“alternative facts”.) But an image? One never says a picture is true or false. It either captures your attention or it doesn’t. The more TV we watched, the more we expected – and with our finger on the remote, the more we demanded – that not just our sitcoms and cop procedurals and other “junk TV” be entertaining but also our news and other issues of import. Digestible. Visually engaging. Provocative. In short, amusing. All the time. Sorry, C-Span. This was, in spirit, the vision that Huxley predicted way back in 1931, the dystopia my father believed we should have been watching out for. –Andrew Postman, The Guardian
Post was last modified on 9 Feb 2017 2:01 am
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I've been thinking about Huxley too.