
Knee-jerk sharing of memes denigrates the truth.

Trump never told People magazine that Republicans are dumb, Sarah Palin never said “I can see Russia from my house,”…

7 years ago

Details matter in journalism.

Get the brand of the beer, the make, model and year of the car and the name and breed of…

9 years ago

When Is Asking the Question Part of the News? (Rarely.)

We mostly only encounter the phrase “when asked about” in reporting, so when students start writing news reports, they tend to gravitate towards…

9 years ago

Unscheduled Disasters in Journalism: Learn to Deal

In school, we expect our professors to answer our questions, to return our emails, to invite us in for a…

9 years ago

Journalism Tips: Newsworthy vs Snoozeworthy

A newsworthy story is recent (rather than stale), rare (rather than common), affects many (rather than few) people, has weighty…

11 years ago