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Staging the York Plays: The Scholarly Debate

StagingScholarly Debate [ Length | RulesAnalysis [ Stations | Plays | ObservationsResults  |  Conclusion

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3: Results

Line counts provide an estimated minimum performance time, because, as previously discussed, they do not account for extended stage business, songs, or missing leaves. However, the videotapes of the 1977 Toronto production are records of a complete production, with missing lines reconstructed from other sources so as to provide the audience with a complete dramatic experience. The appropriate pauses for stage business, songs, special effects, applause, laughter, and even missed cues are preserved on the tapes. While many of the troupes in the Toronto production performed their material with speed and grace, many others were slower and less sure of their material.

The actors of medieval York, both amateur and professional, had ample time and incentive to streamline their production from year to year, so the overall performance pace probably was faster. Nevertheless, I kept the clock running when the Toronto plays were slowed down by audience reactions (such as the 45-second ovation earned by a dog who trotted up to inspect the manger in the Nativity play), or acting delays (a Herod forgetting his lines, a baby Jesus struggling to crawl away, etc.). Such unexpected events surely occurred in medieval times.
Table 5: Run time chart.
[Lost plays bracketed] 
Play Title Rogerson
 1) "CREATION/LUCIFER"  10:00 12:15
 2) "CREATION 5 DAYS"  5:00  10:30
 3) "CREATION A & E"  6:00  5:20
 4) "EDEN"  6:00  4:30
 5) "FALL of MAN"  11:00  7:45
 6) "EXPULSION"  10:00  7:40
 7) "CAIN & ABEL"  8:00  18:30
 8) "BUILDING OF ARK"  9:00  8:15
 9) "NOAH'S FLOOD"  19:00  19:05
10) "ABRAHAM & ISAAC"  23:00  18:45
11) "EXODUS"  24:00  23:00
12) "ANNUNC./VISIT."  14:00  17:30
13) "JOSEPH'S TROUBLE"  18:00  15:40
14) "NATIVITY"  9:00  8:15
15) "ANGEL/SHEPHERDS"  8:00  9:40
16) "MAGI & HEROD"  12:00  21:20
17) "ADORATION"  20:00  26:05
18) "PURIFICATION"  28:00  21:20
19) "FLIGHT TO EGYPT"  14:00  9:25
20) "INNOCENTS"  17:00  14:30
21) "CHRIST & DOCTORS"  14:00  15:25
22) "BAPTISM"  11:00  10:20
23) [CANA]
24) "TEMPTATION"  13:00  15:00
25) "TRANSFIGURATION"  14:00  11:00
27) "WOMAN/LAZARUS"  16:00  14:15
29) "JERUSALEM ENTRY"  33:00  23:30
30) "CONSPIRACY"  18:00  16:45
31) "LAST SUPPER"  15:00  13:55
33) "AGONY & BETRAYAL"  18:00  18:10
34) "CAIAPHAS/PETER"  24:00  21:15
35) "PILATE 1/WIFE"  33:00  28:50
36) "TRIAL BY HEROD"  24:00  31:15
37) "PILATE 2/JUDAS"  23:00  22:10
39) "PILATE 2/CONDEMN"  29:00  32:25
41) "ROAD TO CALVARY"  21:00  17:10
43) "CRUCIFIXION"  18:00  15:30
45) "DEATH OF CHRIST"  25:00  23:45
46) "HARROWING OF HELL"  24:00  22:00
47) "RESURRECT ION"  27:00  21:30
48) "MARY MAGDALENE"  9:00  7:00
49) "ROAD TO EMMAUS"  12:00  9:20
50) "DOUBTING THOMAS"  12:00  9:10
51) "ASCENSION"  17:00  14:50
52) "PENTECOST"  13:00  10:10
53) "DEATH OF MARY"  12:00  14:25
54) [FERGUS]
55) "ASSUMPTION/THOMAS"  19:00  22:40
56) "CORONATION"  10:00  10:10
57) "JUDGMENT DAY"  23:00  25:15
TOTALS:  13:18:00 12:38:30
Although our knowledge about the original performance pace and about the length of the missing material is limited, we can imagine that a simulation based on times taken from the videotapes represents a maximum performance time.
Table 6: PSim Results
Total Performance Time 
for the York Corpus Christi Play
Plays: Register (48) 
8 Stations 17:47 17:46
10 Stations 18:53 18:27
12 Stations 19:59 19:31
14 Stations 21:05 20:36
16 Stations 22:41 21:41
Plays: 1535 List (32) 
8 Stations 13:47 14:02
10 Stations 14:45 14:34
12 Stations 15:51 15:39
14 Stations 16:57 16:43
16 Stations 18:03 17:48
  • Stations: Varying 
  • Run Times: Varying 
  • Play List: Varying

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