Sally knew that her professor wanted her to cite academic sources, so
she opened up one of her library books and found some quotes that
illustrate and define problem X. She added one to her opening paragraph:
[...] how problem X is one of the biggest threats to society today. It affects us in our homes, at school, on the street, and everywhere we go. In a study written by Joe Smith, it says: In the ten largest cities of North America,incidents of Problem X have been reported atan alarming ratein the past ten years. Astudy published in The New England Journal ofMedicine reported a 14% rise in incidentsinvolving college students during hat period,as well as an even more alarming 20% spikeamong women who own cats. (Smith 43) |
She filled two more pages with paragraphs like this, quoting from several different sources.
Next: Sally Introduces... [ Intro | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 ]