09 Oct 2009 [ Prev
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Paper 2 Draft
The full assignment is a 6-8 page literary research paper, that uses both primary and secondary
sources to defend a non-obvious argument about one or several literary
works we have studied in class.
For the draft, I'd welcome a full attempt at a 6-8 page paper, but I'd accept a complete paper of 5 or even 4 pages at this stage -- I just won't be able to give you the same level of feedback.
See Also:
Short Research Papers
This document focuses on the kind of short, narrowly-focused research papers you might encounter early in a course, when professors want a quick peek at your abilities.
Integrating Good Sources
If your college instructor wants you to cite every fact or opinion you find in an outside source, how do you make room for your own opinion?
Review: Thesis Statements; Blueprinting
For the draft, I'd welcome a full attempt at a 6-8 page paper, but I'd accept a complete paper of 5 or even 4 pages at this stage -- I just won't be able to give you the same level of feedback.
See Also:
Short Research Papers
This document focuses on the kind of short, narrowly-focused research papers you might encounter early in a course, when professors want a quick peek at your abilities.
Integrating Good Sources
If your college instructor wants you to cite every fact or opinion you find in an outside source, how do you make room for your own opinion?
Review: Thesis Statements; Blueprinting
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