Oral Presentation Slot A
Students sign up to present on two of the four forum dates.
The topic for Slot A should be related closely to the readings we have read so far. You are welcome to draw on the material you submitted for Ex 2, but please don't read your paper word-for-word, and please don't just walk us through the Wikipedia entry. (I have seen students bring a Wikipedia printout to the front of the room and read directly off of it.)
Instead, begin by posting a richly-linked blog entry that points to good online sources (this will be assigned reading for the class, so be sure to post SOMETHING early), and then use the time in class to spark a discussion that illuminates your subject.
Topics may include the history of writing, the function of memory in the classical era, or an analysis of a short passage from Plato (or Homer or the Bible or folklore or any other ancient oral source) that we have not discussed in class.
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Stormy Knight on Oral Presentation Slot A: my links to these readings... Chris: http://blogs
Stormy Knight on Oral Presentation Slot A: Leslie's: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/StormyKnight/
Leslie Rodriguez on Oral Presentation Slot A: I am pretty solid about my topic. I have posted so
Dennis G. Jerz on Oral Presentation Slot A: If you are presenting, please at least look at wha
Daniella Choynowski on Oral Presentation Slot A: do we have to comment on other's blogs for this pr
do we have to comment on other's blogs for this project?
If you are presenting, please at least look at what your peers are presenting (so that you don't overlap too much), but you can save your commentary for when you get to class.
If you aren't presenting, please read your peer's presentation blog entries and blog about them just as you would any other assigned text.
Chris has already posted his reading on the readings page for this class period.
I am pretty solid about my topic. I have posted some general thoughts at this point which I believe are worth considering. Before class my final presentation will be up.
Leslie's: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/StormyKnight/024241.html
Great job, ladies. :)
my links to these readings...
Chris: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/StormyKnight/024243.html
Leslie: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/StormyKnight/024241.html
Dani: http://blogs.setonhill.edu/StormyKnight/024242.html