
Jerz > About > Dennis G. Jerz [ Professional Biography | Writing Handouts ]

Phone: 724.830.1909
Fax: 724 830 4601

I’m grateful for vaccines and America’s First Amendment freedoms.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

On this website I don’t intend to speak for my employer or anyone else. Views expressed here are my own.

Consultation Hours, Fall 2024

  • Tue 1:30-3
  • Wed 2-3
  • Thu 1:30-3
  • Also by appointment
  • If you would like an in-person meeting (and you agree to mask if you are sick) we can meet in my office, St. Joseph 403
  • A Zoom appointment is also fine.

How to Book an Appointment via Google Calendar

For an in-person or Zoom visit, Seton Hill students may book a 15-minute appointment via Google Appointment Schedule.

  • Make sure you are logged in to your SHU gmail account (and that your time zone is set appropriately).
  • If you’d like to meet by Zoom, please let me know.
  • Otherwise I’ll assume you’re coming in person, and that you’re healthy (or you agree we should both wear masks) .
  • If for any reason you cannot make your appointment, please let me know in advance, so that I can free up the slot to help another student.



1 Seton Hill Dr.
Box 461F
Seton Hill University
Greensburg, PA 15601

Link Permissions: Feel free to link to any resources you find on my website. There’s no need to wait for my permission (but I’d still enjoy hearing from you).

Reprint Requests: If you want to reprint an article or a long extract, please contact me first.

Blender 3D Portfolio: Some of my CGI designs.

View Comments

  • Hello,

    I am very glad to have found your web page. It was very informative! I was very discouraged this semester with my English class. I have never received a low grade on essays with very little feedback on areas I can improve. Your website was very helpful in helping me complete my research paper.



  • Hey there Dennis I have to ask you something. I am writing a couple of short stories well stories that are like a series so I don’t know how you would call that. Mainly I would like to know how you would write it since I sometimes get 1st and 3rd person messed up a lot and I usually write in script format. I do enjoy writing it like that, but if I say want it to get published or something I may have to change the format and yea. Thanks for your help by the way.

  • Dennis, Thank you, thank you for page on writing thesis statements. It's great to find good resources out there to help students, and I particularly liked your breakdown of different parts of a thesis and the formulas you offer. I've seen similar things, but your site coalesced the information into language that students can understand. I adapted parts of that page into a Power Point (which I don't use for every lecture, but I find it makes a nice change now and then, particularly if I have the students try writing their own work alongside it). If you would like a copy of the Power Point, feel free to let me know.

  • Hello,

    I really enjoyed surfing around your site. I am required to present to an audience of 100 every year and your tips on oral presentations are great!

    I am also writing to ask you for permission to use some images that you scanned a long time ago on Karel Capek's play, R.U.R.

    Could you please contact me if I could use the images that you scanned?

    Thank you!

    • I don't hold the rights to the images, though I do believe their use on my academic website is consistent with "fair use."

  • I would have liked to write and thank you but no email id is mentioned. I have posted a link to your article on "Show, Don't (Just) Tell" in my blog. Thanks and I'll follow your blog from now on.

  • Thank you, Keith, for your kind words. That article was a lot of fun to write -- sometimes I still can't believe that it all fell in place like that.

  • Just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoyed reading your article "Somewhere Nearby is Colossal Cave: Examining Will Crowther's Original "Adventure" in Code and in Kentucky" in DHQ. As a native Kentuckian, outdoor enthusiast, and a geek it was with tremendous pleasure that I read your historical assessment.

    Thank you.

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