Blender3D is an open-source computer design tool. In my spare time I have taught myself how to make CGI scenes and videos.

Lair for the villain in the steampunk bedtime stories I told my kids from about 2007-2012.

One view of the Domain household in the Artistic Prosperity Zoom production of Rossum’s Universal Robots.

Harry Domin’s office, in the Artistic Prosperity Zoom production of R.U.R.

Alquist’s laboratory, from the Artistic Prosperity Zoom production of R.U.R.

Closeup of details for a steampunk control panel.

Baba Yaga’s chicken-leg house, from the WAOB Audio Theatre’s miniseries, MisSpelled.

Poster for the WAOB Audio Theatre “Electron Jones” series (futuristic paranormal investigations).

If I don’t design the officers’ lounge on the fantasy steampunk spaceship from the bedtime stories I used to tell my kids, who will?

My dream workspace.