I absolutely adored Spock. Loving Dad was much more complicated.

3 years ago

A great father-son story, written by Adam Nimoy, son of Leonard Nimoy. I was 10 when “Star Trek” debuted in…

Sports Meant So Much to Me. Why Wouldn’t My Son Play?

3 years ago

I heard the boy tell Raffi that all his friends had left the playground and the kids who remained weren’t…

A Successful Failure: The TI-99/4A Turns 40

3 years ago

My family had one of these when I was 12 or 13. The games I remember include a Pac-Man clone…

How Nasty Was Nero, Really?

3 years ago

In The New Yorker, Rebecca Reed reports on modern historians' efforts to rehabilitate the Roman emperor Nero, whose name has…

1993: Curses (Aaron A. Reed’s “50 Years of Text Games”)

3 years ago

The latest in Aaron A. Reed’s monumental project” 50 Years of Text Games” focuses on Graham Nelson’s programming language Inform,…

The Current War (Quantum Theatre Musical)

3 years ago

Waiting for The Current War to start. I haven't seen live professional theater in a long time. I saw lots…

In May, 2001 I was blogging about lanuguage, design and Cliffs Notes

3 years ago

In May 2001, I was blogging about Business and the English language (a humorous rant against business jargon) -- Clint…

Veteran’s microphone cut off when he discusses Black people’s role in establishing Memorial Day

3 years ago

Who is this nobody Memorial Day keynote speaker who dared to make white patriots feel discomfort by bringing up facts…

The Host (#StarTrek #TNG Rewatch, Season 4, Episode 23) Dr. Beverly Crushes on a Symbiont

3 years ago

Rewatching ST:TNG Trek explores some cultural boundaries by having Crusher fall in love with an ambassador who is not what…

Half a Life (#StarTrek #TNG Rewatch, Season 4, Episode 22) Lwaxana Meets Cogsworth

3 years ago

Rewatching ST:TNG The teaser sets up another comic episode with Lwaxana Troi, and the first few acts deliver accordingly. This…