I just looked up the context for the bald guy dropping the chili.

2 years ago

I guess I was expecting something like Seinfeld with a studio audience guffawing or maybe a wobble-noise sound effect followed…

I’d like to speak to the manager. Yes, I’ll wait right here.

2 years ago

The manager is of course somewhere else in the store, presumably managing, so it takes a while for her to…

Equilibrium (#StarTrek #DS9 Rewatch, Season 3, Episode 4) Grumpy, newly musical Dax hallucinates about masks; Sisko discovers a Trill homeworld secret

2 years ago

Rewatching ST:DS9 Sisko is cooking for his staff. Jake is serving cheerfully. Bashir dislikes beets. Odo doesn't eat but wants…

August Wilson House officially opens in Pittsburgh’s Hill District

2 years ago

The August Wilson House officially opened over the weekend in a tearful and emotional ceremony, bringing over 500 residents, celebrities,…