Desperate for Study Guides (see comments)

MOther of God i need freaking cliff notes for peace like a river please someone help

i love felicia — favaDesperate for Study Guides (see comments) (12 Frogs)

From another comment: “J., do you get the sense that some teacher assigned Peace… as summer reading and a whole bunch of people blew it off?”

Sigh. The desperation and rage of these students who can’t find online study guides is very sad to witness. I say bravo for whoever picked that book — if there aren’t ready-made study guides online, it might get more people to think about what they are reading. In the real world, you will face problems whose solutions aren’t written in the back of the book, or carefully outlined in study guides. One of those real-world problems is how to get students excited about their education. Back In the Day, people only went to college because they wanted to… now that so many more people have opportunities to go on to higher education, it seems that some are just coasting.

I count myself very fortunate here at Seton Hill, since my journalism courses are full of people who like writing (that wasn’t the case with the technical writing courses I used to teach at UWEC).

I was the type who called my professors over the summer and asked what books I should read to get a head start on the class. I read Milton’s Paradise Lost one summer, and loved it.

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  • well, I have my self in a tizzy Im not like the people who just want an easy read with notes but we have a test tomorrow and someone has stolen my book! 0_0 Ive been reading the book and Ive gotten into half the assigned pages for the test. I just need some kind of notes or annotations of the chapters or even better, the whole book online.

  • soooo... i'm in college, senior year (yay!) and as an english major trying to cram in all the classes i need to graduate on time, i'm taking 4 lit classes at once.... so, if, on occasion, i simply am overwhelmed by reading assignments far exceeding the time i have available (and i'm not a slow reader either), i do not feel the least bit guilty for turning to sparknotes, etc. for summaries. :] just thought i'd try to lend a little legitimization to the practice. but by all means, read the books, the WHOLE books, if at all possible!! some of the most fascinating characters and beautiful language can be buried in the details!
    happy reading!
    * Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assaults of thought on the unthinking. ~John Maynard Keynes *

  • For those few out there ( including me ) I praise those who do what they are supposed do and not be a lazy bum about it. For the people that do read we will be the ones that get into college and get far in life dont get bogged down by the whole world of idiots and fools that are too lazy to do anywork.

    "If we kill all teh idiots in the world only a few will remain"-Anonymous

  • I agree with that other guy. I enjoy reading books if I'm not forced to. At the begining of the year I read Timeline and I really enjoyed it. But I can't stand it when schools shove books down our throats that majority of the kids don't want to read in the first place. It has made me lose intrest in reading. Plus one more point to all of you book lovers. Some people just don't like reading. So don't act like every person in the world should actually enjoy reading.

  • I had to remove a comment posted from somewhere near Stafford, Virgina because I don't feel comfortable leaving personal attacks written by anonymous posters.

  • I think study guides are a good idea. When I first read this book I really wasn't quite putting things together correctly I DID read the book but used a study guide to help me understand what exactly the story was all about. But read the damn book first. Then look at a study guide.

  • There are a lot of problems in life, that is true. Those who are successful are those who find the shortcuts.

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Published by
Dennis G. Jerz