Desperate for Study Guides (see comments)

MOther of God i need freaking cliff notes for peace like a river please someone help

i love felicia — favaDesperate for Study Guides (see comments) (12 Frogs)

From another comment: “J., do you get the sense that some teacher assigned Peace… as summer reading and a whole bunch of people blew it off?”

Sigh. The desperation and rage of these students who can’t find online study guides is very sad to witness. I say bravo for whoever picked that book — if there aren’t ready-made study guides online, it might get more people to think about what they are reading. In the real world, you will face problems whose solutions aren’t written in the back of the book, or carefully outlined in study guides. One of those real-world problems is how to get students excited about their education. Back In the Day, people only went to college because they wanted to… now that so many more people have opportunities to go on to higher education, it seems that some are just coasting.

I count myself very fortunate here at Seton Hill, since my journalism courses are full of people who like writing (that wasn’t the case with the technical writing courses I used to teach at UWEC).

I was the type who called my professors over the summer and asked what books I should read to get a head start on the class. I read Milton’s Paradise Lost one summer, and loved it.

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  • thats gay as know that the only reason kids go online to look at these study guides is because they are forced to read books in the 1st place. We have been forced to read books like, "To Kill A Mockingbird", and have these works of arts turned into crap because they have the pressure of meeting deadlines while they are reading. some kids can simply just not focus on the joyeous aspects of these pieces of literature when they are just reading to meet standards. this practice takes the meaning out of reading; it turns what was once a fun activity, into stressful wastes of time. so if you really wanted to help with this problem you wouldnt sit and criticize kids but rather come up with alterior options to this clearly unjsut practice

  • C. L., while I tend to adopt a formal writing style here on my own blog, many young people feel perfectly comfortable using the abbreviations that make text messaging more efficient.

    I'd rather have students using abbreviations and talking to each other about their work, and I'm perfectly willing to accept abbreviations, smileys, and typos in return for the benefit everyone gains from their interactions.

    Of course, I'll still expect perfect English in their papers and in the articles they publish in the student paper. I think most teens are more fexible than you think, when it comes to knowing how to switch between the informal online writing style and the formal style their teachers and elders expect.

  • Now the question I pose to everyone is, "Why are the people so adamant about not reading the ones who cannot take the time to spell a simple word such as people... ppl is part of a word not a word in itself. If you cannot take the time, or lack the ability to use the English language you should not be allowed to voice your opinion on why reading is stupid. Believe it or not vowels ARE necessary. The reason my generation (20 somethings) and the generation coming after me as so damn disrespectful is the lack of American tradition. You are supposed to read "Catcher in the Rye" and be shocked that they used the "F" word. You are supposed to READ Huck Finn and wonder about the ignorance and bigotry of how often the "N" word was used in simple every day speech. SparkNotes, MTV, Paris Hilton, and George W. Bush are killing society. In God we Trust on the currency, but anything with the mention of "God" in it is considered "hate speech" because it may offend our non christian friends. I am a devout Athiest and I want to be one nation under God indivisible, because quite frankly thats how my father said it and my grand father and so on. Its what made America what it was. I apologise for what my generation is doing and going to do, and feel pity for those who will live in a world when people like Sonny will be in office.

  • all of u r wasting ur time sitting around complaining about some stupid crap. it is sheer coinicdence that i found this page in the first place and u guys r sitting around complaining about stuff thats a waste of time. reading is good for u, it doesnt take that long, sit down and expand ur vocabulary. it is a good thing to be able to say words that arent found in the fourth grade dictionary. so get up off ur butt, stop wasting time looking for cliff notes, and read a book. promise it wont hurt ur mind, as a matter of fact, u might even learn something.

  • Holy God, sonnY and borntobefree may be the most unintelligent people ever.
    They clearly should not be allowed to voice their opinions. peace lika river is a damn good book so suck it up and read.

  • omg u ppl make me sick, not one of u sellouts even gave him his sparknotes or told him where to get them. u hippocrites say "i read it b/c i wanted to learn" thats bull u cant learn anything from a fictional book except morals which is common sense anyways. u really wanna learn something from a book? read soulsword or tales from the time loop. thats real life unlike this bs waste of time. so for the love of god, just give the guy(and me as well) some frickin sparknotes.

  • i read the book i just dont understand valdez and sonny; and what swede writes about and what it has to do with the story

  • RCAC: You sound very bright. Being bright is enough to get you through high school without much effort. But if you don't work in college, you will drown. Trust me.

  • Oh yeah, and living life to the fullest is only measured by ones intentions and aspirations. DGJ's aspiration is to know as much as he can and understand as much of the world as he can than that's great by him. While others may want to live life by having as much fun as they can and die being able to say that they didn't miss an ounce of life, thats great by them. As for me, I like to fulfill myself by illustrating stuff and being able to create something so I can leave some of myself behind for others to see in the future... or, you know, I want to do that in the future through concept art, I'm only in 10th grade. heh.

Published by
Dennis G. Jerz