Crunch Time: Seton Hill Blogs Bursting at the Seams

Crunch Time: Seton Hill Blogs Bursting at the Seams

Blogaliciousbloginator… “blog rally“… my students have been fiercely you-know-whatting, in order to fulfill the broad, very general requirements of their blogging portfolios. These range from the typical “write a blog responding to book X” or “blog about classroom activity Y,” to “disagree politely with one of your peers” to “write a blog entry that sparks a discussion on your blog”. One prompt, “Blog about how your English major affects your work in non-English classes,” has sparked some soul-searching in the “Intro to Literary Study” class, which I think is welcome in this foundational course for all our English majors (lit, creative writing, and journalism).

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  • I'm proud to have coined the term "blog rally" in hopes that people would learn to leave effective, stimulating comments, and write blogs for the portfolios that can be linked to--isn't that what it's all about, anyway?
    I'm with Amanda on this one. Despite my state of insanity with the list of work resembling _War and Peace_, blogging has kept its cathartic affect on me. (I don't mind!)

  • One of my student group blogs has just surpassed me in # of entries. Sure there are 4 of them and only 1 of me, but I still feel like a blogger slacker. Must post on BloggerCon but have got to write my Cultural Studies paper first! More next week...

Published by
Dennis G. Jerz

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