Buttered Mashed Potaotoes Classic Filled Candle

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  • Mashed Potato scented candle? DELISH! I want to write the company and beg them to bring it back! The line also makes a "mint chocolate chip ice cream" candle. Devine.

  • BamBam...The Candle will be back for the January Sale!!! Trust me, ive looked into it!! I believe it starts January 1st.

  • I saw the mashed potato candle at BBW. Then, I forgot all about it. Now that I want it, they don't sell it anymore. Anybody know where I can find it?

  • Are you people nuts?! I love everything Bath and Body has EVER made - ESPECIALLY any bath products that smell like cookies. You don't come out of the shower smelling like them for the rest of the day. It's just a nice scent and a fun item for the shower. You guys are DUMB!

  • Thanks for setting us straight, Stephanie & Jane!

    I notice that you haven't defended the green bean flavored soda! ;)

  • ok, all you people obsessing over the fact that this candle is scented like a potato need to relax. I happen to find this candle superbly awesome and cool. See, you can smell the delicious smell of mashed potatoes whilst not consuming any actual calories. And also, i feel that this candle is much more handy than cookie scented bath products. You see, another great feature is that you can just go out and buy some premade potatoes from say, safeway, and then burn the candle to make it seem like you have just spent hours slaving over a pot of "HOMEMADE" mashed potatoes. Another thing, if you people who find this potato candle awkward, i suggest going to sephora.com and looking up the phrases "rubber" "mesquite" "steam room" and "dirt" then have a field day with the oddly scented colognes that go along with these phrases. and uh, rosemary dear, you may want to look at the product, it is not play food but a candle. ya, CANDLE. and *gasp* how dare they forget the butter! ok so have fun replying to this OUTRAGEOUS post. I know, how dare I mock you people? Tis very very fun!

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Published by
Dennis G. Jerz

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