Buttered Mashed Potaotoes Classic Filled Candle

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  • I thought that candle was bad but... OMG Karissa that is the most vile product I have ever seen pushed! Yeuck! *vomits*

  • Wow. Some string of comments here...! (LOL!)

    I thought to go along with this post that perhaps you might get a kick out of this. How about some green bean flavored soda? *ick* :P

  • I could see (smell?) that.

    On the other hand, I was drawn in by the appearance of the candle -- white with a yellow pat of butter. I would eat the candle, but in comparison, I would not be interested in eating the Country Crock potatoes.

  • I know this probably won't make much sense, but it's the fact that this is the scent of buttered mashed potatoes that really makes me somehow morally violated. I don't know why.

  • Thanks for the update Donna! Hmm, not sure I want to smell like I just fell into (or climbed out of) a vat of cookie dough. And spreading freshed baked cookie scents in your wake without actually having fresh baked cookies to give to your guests is just wrong!

  • I hate to break the news to you, Rosemary, but Bath & Body Works has indeed come up with something just as annoying--a whole line of bath products scented with cookie smells. That way, you can smell as if you just baked, without having any cookies to give your guests.

Published by
Dennis G. Jerz

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