What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Walked Away from This…

On Father’s Day, while we were headed east on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, on our way to a family vacation in Amish country, the steering on our 1992 Taurus gave out. The car spun out in the grassy median, flipped over, and came to rest partially in a westbound lane.–Dennis G. Jerz

What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Walked Away from This… (Jerz’s Literacy Weblog)

This wasn’t a lot of fun to experience, but if you’ve got to be involved in a rollover accident, I strongly recommend that you become involved in one that doesn’t kill anyone.

On this blog, I don’t want to talk about what might have caused the accident, and I’m not seeking advice on what to do next. Anyone who’s had a close brush with death sees life as more precious.

My son dictated his description of the accident in a letter he wants me to give to his piano teacher. He ended it with, “Well, I hope you’re glad we survived.”

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  • Having the camera with me did sort of keep me centered. Peter took a few photos, too.

    Will, yes, I noticed the problem you mentioned. Shouldn't be too hard to fix -- I probably just forgot to uncomment part of the code. My JSP editor is only on the office computer, and I'm not getting much time in the office now. It's on my list of things to do.

  • Yikes!

    Glad to hear you're ok...that's scary. Especially looking at that pic...yikes!

    P.S. Something seems to be broken with the comments...there's no "leave a comment" box on entries with existing comments. I had to click the permalink link to leave this one.

  • You all were very, very lucky to have walked away from this one. I'm sure there's going to be some extra kisses and hugs around the Jerz household for a long time.

  • Dr.Jerz, I am very sorry to hear about your family's unfortunate accident. I have to say that I was shocked and very concerned when I checked your blog today. It is amazing that during the whole thing you managed to take those pictures. I hope your wife is feeling better as well.

  • Wow! I grew up in Lancaster County and I vividly remember three different cars sliding on their roofs while driving on roads there. Hope all recover in good health.

  • I am very sorry to hear this. I hope your children are indeed fine as well as you and your wife. That is just so sad to hear! I am sorry that I emailed you now, and didn't try to figure out my problem on my own.

    I wish you and your family the best and a speedy recovery. Like you said, at least you all are walking, talking and alive!


  • Dennis,

    I am glad that all of you are OK. I am surprised that the roof of the car stayed intact after flipping.

    your older brother John

Published by
Dennis G. Jerz

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