What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Walked Away from This…

On Father’s Day, while we were headed east on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, on our way to a family vacation in Amish country, the steering on our 1992 Taurus gave out. The car spun out in the grassy median, flipped over, and came to rest partially in a westbound lane.–Dennis G. Jerz

What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Walked Away from This… (Jerz’s Literacy Weblog)

This wasn’t a lot of fun to experience, but if you’ve got to be involved in a rollover accident, I strongly recommend that you become involved in one that doesn’t kill anyone.

On this blog, I don’t want to talk about what might have caused the accident, and I’m not seeking advice on what to do next. Anyone who’s had a close brush with death sees life as more precious.

My son dictated his description of the accident in a letter he wants me to give to his piano teacher. He ended it with, “Well, I hope you’re glad we survived.”

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  • Leigh needed some stitches, and she has a second CAT scan appointment tomorrow. I still have some aches and pains, but when you consider the alternative, I think we're doing pretty well.

Published by
Dennis G. Jerz

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