Truth is: The flow goes both ways. We don’t move invisibly through the links, we leave a fine trail, much more real than pixie dust, but as intangible. Gathering information, we leave a trail of information. The ivory tower does not protect us here, and there are no sets of information gathering ethics protecting the subjects clicking on a link online. There shold be though. Information is power, and the right to gather and display information should definitely be discussed in a wide range of contexts. —Torill Mortensen —Privacy, scrutiny and research ethics (thinking with my fingers)
A concise, powerful insight into the privacy debate that flared up last week in the corner of the blogosphere amorphous, many-tendrilled subnexus of the blogosphere where I hang my virtual hat.
I always enjoy my visits to the studio. This recording was a quick one!
After marking a set of bibliography exercises, I created this graphic to focus on the…
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Imagine a society that engineers its highways so that ordinary people who make mistakes, and…
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Dennis: I liked Dr. Walker's comment on her blogsite that she gives after quoting your comments on the Wired article.
"This, perhaps, is the true meaning of privacy: the right to choose which of your actions are up to public scrutiny. Or at least to know when you?re entering a zone in which your actions are public. If I assume that every blog I read is tracking and publicly displaying the fact that I have read, I?m going to read very differently, and perhaps not at all." The public nature of blogs makes writers more conscious of audience: we perform literate acts with verbal acuity to facilitate conversation with others. Privacy is proportional to what we choose to articulate.