Categories: MediaPopCultWeirdness

Leonard Nimoy (Spock) – Music Video

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  • And yet it is mentioned and briefly discussed on VH1's "I Love the 70s" series. I wondered if Leonard Nimoy did anything other than narrate science documentaries and upstage William Shatner in Priceline commercials.

  • Oh my...I though the video was sung by someone pretending to be spock (um, pretending to be leonard nimoy). It actually IS him...

  • And the thing is, the bridge between the verses has a few bars of music that is really quite funky and catchy. But woah... talk about your bitter dregs.

    Here's a clip from a song called Highly Illogical, which is sung (unlike the Bilbo song above) from Spock's point of view. (You'll have to find the "Highly Illogical" link on that page and click it there... I'm not going to bother to try getting it to work here.

Published by
Dennis G. Jerz
Tags: startrektos

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