It’s hard to imagine what freshmen think when they wander into Professor Banzai’s lecture hall. Weller reports that he loses a lot of students after the first class. “They thought they were going to get the easy A from old RoboCop,” he says with a laugh. The 450-page course reader tells them otherwise. Those who stay get a view into Weller’s two worlds. For example, his class at Syracuse on Hollywood and the Roman Empire requires watching toga-and-sandal epics (Ben Hur and The Last Temptation of Christ among them) and reading primary-source Roman authors in an attempt to reconcile big-screen Rome with the real thing. “The Romans were an unbelievably complex people, and we are an unbelievably complex people,” Weller says. “We can learn so much about why things are the way they are by looking at what they did.” He goes on to explain how the absence of the concept of zero in Greek antiquity laid the foundation for Western philosophical thought. —Mike DaiseyRoboCop, Ph.D (Wired)

Peter Weller, the actor who played RoboCop and Buckaroo Banzai is working towards a Ph.D. in classical history. Cool!

View Comments

  • ...Congratulations to Doctor Peter Weller! I've been watching him host commentary lots of HISTORY CHANNEL shows.
    ...I wish him well in his new career!

  • Well, the phrasing "is getting" suggests an immediacy to it. like they're putting the diploma in his hand THIS MINUTE. I didn't mean to imply any doubt when I wrote that, but a recent visit to Wikipedia suggests the diss may have some competition for his attention.

  • ...working "towards" and "getting" a PhD are two totally different measurements of success (and knowledge); but, I'm glad to see Roman History hasn't been totally "rewritten" by Hollywood and that some people (Weller) are working to ensure things don't totally go "...hollywood" historically., I say: more power to Mr. Weller!

  • Oooh, I wonder what Weller thinks about Frank Miller's _300_ being adapted into film, since it is supposedly historically accurate.

Published by
Dennis G. Jerz

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