I don’t use APA style, but this article about nine pages of corrections to the APA style manual caught my eye.
“It’s egregious,” said John Foubert, an associate professor of
education at Oklahoma State University, who bought two copies of the
book – one for his office and one for home – when it was released in
July. “These are the standards for how we write our manuscripts and how
our students write their papers …. The irony is so thick.”The corrections include
four pages of “nonsignificant typographical errors” and five pages
correcting errors in content and problems with sample papers in the
book. The APA also released four corrected sample papers
in their entireties. One correction is “Page 88 – Change last line
under ‘Exception’ to read ‘Spacing twice after punctuation marks at the
end of a sentence aids readers of draft manuscripts.’ ” Another is
“Page 64 – First paragraph, line 2, insert a comma after ‘e.g.’ ” —Inside HIgher Ed
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This just in: APA issues corrected style guide.
I only care because I am using it for my thesis! (And issuing an error-laden book makes me think there's a job for me somewhere...).