No Christians in my social media feed care about the design of that cup. Lots of people in my social media feed have reposted stories critical of the silly Christians who get all worked up about the design of the cup.
Full disclosure: I don’t drink coffee.
[C]ontrary to a few breathless media reports, most Christians don’t actually care what kind of cup their latte is served in, so long as it is hot and comes with a creamy layer of froth on top. It seems an increasing number of believers have finally learned that coercive and heavy-handed tactics like boycotts are not effective ways to influence culture. | Shortly after the Feuerstein’s post went viral, several media outlets reported on the rage of this gaggle of Christian Facebook trolls. Many attempted to argue that the Starbucks cup had sparked sweeping anger among Christians, but the evidence was just not there. —The Washington Post
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Starbucks should just provide Sharpies(™) so you can add your own Holiday iconography of your choosing… :)
I think what you are witnessing here is a long overdue backlash against the supposed War on Christmas. The story from Breitbart that sparked the outrage of the outrage is just an extension of the happy holidays fury that has been raging for years. And yes, I have seen plenty of Christians in my feed outraged over that particular greeting.