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Facebook touts fight on fake news, but struggles to explain why InfoWars isn’t bannedFacebook touts fight on fake news, but struggles to explain why InfoWars isn’t banned

Facebook touts fight on fake news, but struggles to explain why InfoWars isn’t banned

10 points to CNN's Oliver Darcy for working both "when asked about" and "this reporter" into a news story that…

7 years ago
Facebook shrinks fake news after warnings backfireFacebook shrinks fake news after warnings backfire

Facebook shrinks fake news after warnings backfire

In its efforts to combat the spread of false news online (whether by malicious people who knew it was propaganda,…

7 years ago
Google Pledges $300 Million to Clean Up False NewsGoogle Pledges $300 Million to Clean Up False News

Google Pledges $300 Million to Clean Up False News

This is a welcome step, but we cannot trust big corporations to solve the fake news problem for us. (Slow…

7 years ago
My buddy JTK helps me make a key point in my slideshow. #4c18 #b29My buddy JTK helps me make a key point in my slideshow. #4c18 #b29

My buddy JTK helps me make a key point in my slideshow. #4c18 #b29

Putting speaker notes on an iPad is always more fun when using a typeface that invokes TNG Okudagrams.

7 years ago
Why Textbooks And Education Are To Blame For Fake NewsWhy Textbooks And Education Are To Blame For Fake News

Why Textbooks And Education Are To Blame For Fake News

The way we teach it at Seton Hill, as a process that leads to a researched term paper, I think…

7 years ago
Don’t use that “18 school shootings since Jan 1” claim. It’s Inaccurate.Don’t use that “18 school shootings since Jan 1” claim. It’s Inaccurate.

Don’t use that “18 school shootings since Jan 1” claim. It’s Inaccurate.

Don't use that "18 school shootings since Jan 1" meme. It's misleading. I've lost track of how many times this…

7 years ago
The Pope’s Prayer for Countering “Fake News”The Pope’s Prayer for Countering “Fake News”

The Pope’s Prayer for Countering “Fake News”

Today is the feast of St. Francis de Sales, patron saint of journalists. We are sharing a famous prayer that #PopeFrancis has…

7 years ago
Pope Francis calls for “news communicated with serenity, precision and completeness”Pope Francis calls for “news communicated with serenity, precision and completeness”

Pope Francis calls for “news communicated with serenity, precision and completeness”

Pope Francis recently addressed Italian journalists: Your voice, free and responsible, is fundamental for the growth of any society that…

7 years ago
Details like headlines matter. Journalists should work hard to avoid being misread.Details like headlines matter. Journalists should work hard to avoid being misread.

Details like headlines matter. Journalists should work hard to avoid being misread.

If you were this person's attorney, you'd probably want this social media blurb phrased a little differently. The headline attached…

7 years ago
A woman approached The Post with dramatic — and false — tale about Roy Moore. She appears to be part of undercover sting operation.A woman approached The Post with dramatic — and false — tale about Roy Moore. She appears to be part of undercover sting operation.

A woman approached The Post with dramatic — and false — tale about Roy Moore. She appears to be part of undercover sting operation.

This looks like a deliberate attempt to plant a "fake news" story, presumably in order to discredit the Washington Post…

7 years ago
Why fake news worksWhy fake news works

Why fake news works

Fake news works on our emotions, usually by stoking our fears or confirming our biases. Real news relies on verifiable…

7 years ago

Fake News Remains Top Industry Concern in 2017

“In the past, people fabricated content. There were ‘midnight flyers,’ which were pieces of propaganda usually sent out by candidates…

7 years ago

An apology to Donald Trump, from the “fake news” media

A good example of the power of satire. Trump used Tuesday night's rally to denounce the "fake news" media for…

8 years ago

Are we spreading fake news about fake news?

In a new research paper that Poynter says will be published tomorrow by the National Bureau of Economic Research, Hunt Allcott…

8 years ago

Understanding The Fake News Universe

The fake news universe is vast and ephemeral, and to some extent its dimensions are unknowable. But Media Matters’ research team…

8 years ago

Vanessa Otero’s Complex vs. Clickbait, Liberal vs. Conservative Media Chart

Update, June 2020: See Vanessa Otero Ad Fontes Media Updated Media Bias Chart --6.0 Vanessa Otero created an impressive chart…

8 years ago

In News, What’s Fake and What’s Real Can Depend on What You Want to Believe

The proliferation of fake and hyperpartisan news that has flooded into Americans’ laptops and living rooms has prompted a national…

8 years ago

Knee-jerk sharing of memes denigrates the truth.

Trump never told People magazine that Republicans are dumb, Sarah Palin never said “I can see Russia from my house,”…

8 years ago