WB 2-1: Original Poem (& Analysis)
- Write an original poem -- something that you are willing to revise.
- Include a brief analysis that demonstrates your ability to apply concepts you have learned from Hamilton, the workbooks, and our study of assigned readings.
I think it's unlikely that you'll be able to get 290 words of good analysis out of a 10-word poem, and if you submit a 290-word poem, I doubt a 10-word analysis will do it justice.
This assignment isn't meant to pass judgment on your poetic talent; rather, I want to see evidence that you know what kinds of effects poems can achieve, that you can set out to reach a specific effect, and that you can state a case for how effectively your poem meets that effect. (I will share with you a poem I wrote that was an utter failure. You can tell me whether you think it's worth revising at all.)
URL of this page: http://jerz.setonhill.edu/EL150/2008/wb_22_original_poem_analysis.php
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Dennis G. Jerz on WB 2-1: Original Poem (& Analysis): Since this is listed as a workbook, I'm asking you
Chelsea Oliver on WB 2-1: Original Poem (& Analysis): Is this just a print out or do we upload it somewh
Chelsea Oliver on WB 2-1: Original Poem (& Analysis): Is this just a print out or do we upload it somewh
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Is this just a print out or do we upload it somewhere?
Since this is listed as a workbook, I'm asking you to bring a printout. There will be a slot to upload the poetry portfolio (which is an exercise) when we get to that.