03 Jan 2008 [ Prev | Next ]

Course Overview

What do we mean by "culture," "theory," and "video game"?  How does the work we will do in this course differ from what you might expect to find in a walkthrough written by a fan, a review written by a journalist, or a market study written by a game developer? How do scholars look at the subjects they study, and how does the study of video games fit into the context of a liberal arts education? How will this class work?
I plan to make "EL 250: MGW: Videogaming" my full-time job for the next three weeks, and I suggest that you do the same. Since we're meeting for a total of 14 weekdays (three weeks, excluding Martin Luther King Day), each day during J-Term time we have to cover what we would cover during a week of regular classes in a semester-long course.  During that ordinary week, you would meet for 2 1/2 hours in the classroom, and have an additional 2-3 hours worth of homework for each hour in class. For each day the class meets, you should plan to commit several hours to reading assigned texts and doing homework, and another another hour or so for interacting with your peers and me in our online, blog-based "classroom."

I've tried to pace the course so that we're heavy on lectures, reading and short exercises in the beginning, but lighter on that stuff and heavier on your own in-depth projects towards the end.

Further, everyone has the option of getting a few extra days to work on the final paper by taking an incomplete (as long as you have kept up in all your other work).

Note that two short assignments, Ex 1a (a short game review) and Ex 1b (a comparison between a traditional game review and a "new games journalism" article from the day's assigned readings) are due on the second day of classes, Jan 4.  There are separate web pages on this site for each of those assignments, just as there are separate pages for pretty much other component of the course.

To see what else is due tomorrow, click on the numeral for Jan 4 on the calendar in the marign of this page.

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