04 Jan 2008 [ Prev | Next ]

Ex 1a: Traditional Game Review

Write a short review of a computer game of your choice. 1-2 pages.  Upload to Turnitin.com by noon Friday. (For future reference, most exercises will be due at 9AM, so that I will have time to review your work before posting the day's discussion questions.)

Make this a traditional game review, addressing key topics such as how to play, where the particular challenges are, how this game differs from others in the same genre, why it received the ESRB rating that it got (if any), whether the game has replay value, etc.

(Please do not simply answer my list of questions in the order I presented them here; instead, look up a few online reviews, and use them as models. Gamespot.com is a consumer-friendly commercial site, and GameRevolution.com is a bit more irreverent and biting.)


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» Portfolio 2. from AshleyFarmer

My Second Portfolio Thus far in my student career Video Game Culture has been one of my hardest classes not only requiring a lot of hard work but critical thinking. Our professor requires expanding our thinking past our opinion or... Read More

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