First Time for Everything

I don’t want to just sit here and begin talking about how I have been writing all of my life and how I have kept a diary for years, so I won’t, I will simply begin my first weblog entry, by saying, “I am stepping into new territory, and I do not know the ins and outs of this weblogging-blogging-logging-bloggorama that my college professor loves.” —Amanda Cochran
First Time for Everything (Girl Meets World)

Stand back — here come new bloggers!

Amanda is taking both of the classes in which I introduced blogging this week. She’s distinguished herself by her enthusiasm and her love of writing (and by the fact that she happens to be in all three classes I teach this term).

She’s everything that I love about Seton Hill — the positive outlook on life, the cheerful enthusiasm, and the eagerness to roll up her sleeves and get to work. Amanda has confided a few private worries, as well — and that’s part of the game. Here’s hoping that Amanda’s weblogging excursion is a rewarding one.

If you have the chance, check out some of the other student blogs on a new group site, New Media Journalism @ Seton Hill University.

Plugs: Thanks to the administration at Seton Hill University for giving this project the go-ahead. And thanks to the good folks at MovableType, who are letting me set up a free blog for any student or staff member at Seton Hill. Dave Cornelson of Placet Soultions, Inc. is hosting the site for a very reasonable fee.

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Dennis G. Jerz

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