At my first mock job interview with a faculty member from my home institution, I was informed that I would appear “too white.” (My dissertation examined the uses of rock music and culture in American prose literature of the last 50 years, and white men have created the lion’s share of the source material.)

Having been white my entire life, however, I was unsure how to amend this shortcoming in the three weeks that remained before the real interviews at the Modern Language Association convention. Am I efficient? Yes. Able to fill a niche? I think so. White? Without a doubt. —Charles A. Goldthwaite, Jr.

Square Peg, Round Hole (Chronicle)

At first I was going to blog this article with a different quote

I’m the rare square peg that fits into a round hole — i.e., a recently minted Ph.D. in American literature who earns his living as a freelance writer specializing in science and medical articles. I’ve been able to use the skills that I honed in graduate school to forge a path into the private sector.

…but that passage just affirmed something I already know. The quote I chose is much more challenging and, in my opinion, blogworthy.

Sadly, I think a name like “Charles A. Goldthwaite, Jr.” probably runs the risk of triggering a “class” stigma on top of the “white” stigma and (though Goldthwaite doesn’t mention it) the “male” stigma.

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  • My friend Mike kept talking about his roomate Sancho. I was pretty suprised, after 3 conversation, when I met the guy and he was white as can be.

    I mean - a first name of Sancho - come on!

  • Dennis, Interesting! One of the stories that Dr. Quinn, Director of the McNair Program, likes telling about me at functions is how she saw the name "Kuechenmeister" and expected a German male. Instead, they get me, an Asian male with a German last name. Hilarious.

Published by
Dennis G. Jerz

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