Production and Overproduction

Administrations and faculties need to stop caring how much someone writes or publishes or says, or even how important what they?ve published is according to some measurable or quantifiable metric. Not only because trying to measure productivity in terms of scholarship destroys scholarship, but because it detracts from the truly important kind of productivity in an academic institution.

What really matters is this: how different are your students when they graduate from what they would have been had they not attended your institution, and how clearly can you attribute that difference to the things that you actively do in your classrooms and your institution as a whole? What, in short, did you teach them that they would not have otherwise known? How did you change them as people in a way that has some positive connection to their later lives? —Timothy BurkeProduction and Overproduction (Easily Distracted)

A thoughtful reflection on the scholarly publishing hamster wheel and its role in humanities education.

Via scribblingwoman.

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Published by
Dennis G. Jerz

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