Everyone that plays video games knows Grande [sic] Theft Auto and it’s [sic] reputation for violence, especially GTA 3, GTA: Vice City and now GTA: San Andreas. Lately, however, GTA:S.A. has come under more fire than its predecessors and it’s all because of something called the “Hot Coffee Mod.” Apparently the .mod,which unlocks minigames that involve explict sex scenes, was created by Patrick Wildenborg, who claims his code merely opens content that is already included in the code of each off-the-shelf game. In an e-mail to the Associated Press Wildenborg had this to say:
“If Rockstar Games denies that, then they’re lying and I will be able to prove that, my mod does not introduce anything to the game. All the content that is shown was already present on the DVD.”
As of late, Hillary Clinton has come onboard to announce she will introduce legislation to help keep mature video games out of the reach of children… —Troy Rogers —Hillary Clinton: She Got Game (The Deadbolt)
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Wow....Hillary's channeling Tipper Gore circa the 1980's
I find this whole debacle somewhat insulting. The insinuation that the games are evily trying to subvert kids to a life of wild sexual abandon rankles for two reasons:
1. It assumes that video games are, in fact, just for kids. As an avide gamer, I tend to disagree. this game was clearly labeled "M" for audiences over 17.
2. It excuses parents from knowing what their kids are doing. Here's a newsflash. If you don't let your kids watch "R" rated movies, don't let them play "M" rated games. If you do let them play "M" rated games, don't be surprised when you get a little sex thrown in with the violence. I'm having flashbacks to Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction". This country is A-OK with a blood and gore in prime time, but nudity and sexual situations are going to turn little Bobby into a sex fiend.