Parents turn against birthdays gone wild

“I was going to do gift bags, but I was going to do them right,” Zwicky recalled. The party had a train theme, so she got sticks and bandannas and made “hobo packs” that included animal crackers and bubble solution.

Zwicky said that party was a turning point for her. She helped found Birthdays Without Pressure. —Parents turn against birthdays gone wild (Yahoo | AP (will expire))

Moms get sucked into planning and organizing overly complex birthday parties.

They get fed up with the competition among moms.

Moms get sucked into planning and organizing a movement to abolish overly complex birthday parties.

They get fed up with the competition among movements organized by moms who are fed up with competition among the organizations devoted to abolishing organizations that are competitive movements.

Moms get sucked into planning and organizing a movement against moms being sucked into planning and organizing movements devoted to… um… oh, forget it.

Six students, led by Engineering junior Tal Raviv, began a ceremonious walk outside Huntsman Hall at noon and processed east toward College Green, where they chanted phrases like “No more protests!” and “Down with activism!” — Daily Pennsylvanian, “A Rally to End All Rallies

Published by
Dennis G. Jerz