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  • It's been a long time since I took History of the English Language, so thanks for the clarification, Doc. So the typed y emulates a manuscript thorn? That sounds right.

  • Cuprohastes is partly correct, but instead of an ð (eth) the letter should be a þ (thorn).
    When hand-written, a thorn looks a lot like a lower case y - which is where the y in "Ye Olde" comes from. It's also why the letter y was usually made with a dot over it in medieval manuscripts.

  • Cuprohastes, I congratulate you on figuring out how to type an eth, which isn't on my keyboard. You're right, of course, but I hope nobody took this seriously. What I typed as "ye" really means "the," and the y is an old way of typographically representing the eth. We do have better options now, as you have shown.
    Seekxl, you are welcome to use the image.

  • Hi Dennis,
    i hope it's okay that i use your picture at my blog. if not, send me a short message and i remove it.
    greetings from Germany
    PS: Cool Pic !

  • Dear Sir, Madam, or other as appropriate,
    I noted with some distress that you used "Ye Post" and "Ye Webb" in your clever, but small mock-up of That Which Shall Be Used For Searches.
    Since it's a pet peeve, I thought I'd take the time out from my busy schedule to chew your ankles lightly but firmly over this matter: It's not ye, it's ðe!
    Use an Eth, Dammit! ð for the win! ðe Olde Webb II.0 needs more ð!
    Youres insincerely,

Published by
Dennis G. Jerz

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