Screenshot of in-progress journalism game, created in Twine.
I will always love Inform 7, but I chose to develop a journalism training game in Twine (because it will be much easier to teach Twine to my students).
To prepare for my game, I spent about 6 hours (during my son’s last chess tournament) roughing out about 20 lexias. Since then, I’ve spent about 6 more hours turning them into a playable game. Slow going, because every path leads to multiple options. I think today I will focus on building the optimal path, with the idea that I will add as many distractors as time permits.
I can trim down the number of lexias by adding if-then statements (so that option X is only displayed under certain conditions), but it will still be a sprawling experience.
I’ve been watching this playlist in snatches over the last few days. I’m making it my priority today.
Post was last modified on 11 Aug 2015 12:25 pm
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