At a glance of the edited footage, it’s tempting to think that Gertie was brought down by resonance, given the vivid visual evidence of a bridge that undulates before it collapses, not unlike the wine glass that shatters under the vibrations of a singer’s voice…. How did the incorrect explanation persist for so long? In their paper about the event, Bilah and Scanlan cite 30 sources that mention resonance as a cause of the bridge’s failure. Ultimately, they point their fingers at a mix of rough, semi-empirical guess work and the “telephone” effect. “The primary reason for all this, we believe, is that many post facto accounts or investigations were speculative or reviews of still other accounts,” they write. | It’s easy to see why: the math and physics involved can seem complicated. And the unforgettable image—a bridge undergoing large periodic motion as an external force applies energy to it until it collapses—is, to physics teachers and textbook writers, an irresistible scientific example, an eye-popping way to wake up the kids at the back of the classroom. | “While it is understandable how so many textbooks have, over the years, oversimplified the physics involved,” wrote Bilah and Scanlan, “it is probably time… to offer the next generation of students subtler, more complex and correct explanations.” That was in 1991. —Motherboard
Post was last modified on 15 Dec 2015 2:33 pm
I always enjoy my visits to the studio. This recording was a quick one!
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As an undergrad, I lived in a room in the house of the engineer/designer's widow. She had all sorts of stuff about the design and building of the bridge.
Looking back, I wish I had gotten to know her better. She had pics of models, schematics and all that sort of civil engineer geek stuff. Just off Greek Row at U of Washington.