5.2 Participation
Students are expected to contribute actively to a positive learning environment, both in person and online.
Distracting or isolating behavior (such as late arrivals and early departures, listening to headphones or using electronic devices for purposes unrelated to the class), lack of preparation, and general incivility (such as doing homework for another class, falling asleep, eating more than a discreet snack) will affect your ability to contribute to our shared learning environment.
If your final grade falls near a borderline, I will take your participation into account when I decide whether to round up or down.
Students are expected to contribute actively to a positive classroom environment, both in person and online.
Late arrivals and early departures, distracting or isolating behavior
(such as listening to headphones or using electronic devices for
purposes unrelated to the class), lack of preparation, and general
incivility (such as doing homework for another class, falling asleep,
eating more than a discreet snack) will affect your ability to
contribute to a positive classroom environment.
Students who aren't thrilled with speaking in public may wish to invest more effort in their online writing activities, and vice-versa.