Desperate for Study Guides (see comments)

MOther of God i need freaking cliff notes for peace like a river please someone help

i love felicia — favaDesperate for Study Guides (see comments) (12 Frogs)

From another comment: “J., do you get the sense that some teacher assigned Peace… as summer reading and a whole bunch of people blew it off?”

Sigh. The desperation and rage of these students who can’t find online study guides is very sad to witness. I say bravo for whoever picked that book — if there aren’t ready-made study guides online, it might get more people to think about what they are reading. In the real world, you will face problems whose solutions aren’t written in the back of the book, or carefully outlined in study guides. One of those real-world problems is how to get students excited about their education. Back In the Day, people only went to college because they wanted to… now that so many more people have opportunities to go on to higher education, it seems that some are just coasting.

I count myself very fortunate here at Seton Hill, since my journalism courses are full of people who like writing (that wasn’t the case with the technical writing courses I used to teach at UWEC).

I was the type who called my professors over the summer and asked what books I should read to get a head start on the class. I read Milton’s Paradise Lost one summer, and loved it.

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  • Ok, well I say that this debate depends on your motives. In order to learn what a curriculum is trying to teach, you don't actually need to read anything at all. You don't even need to read notes. I went through english last year and loved it without reading one book. The class doesn't teach the plots, it teaches themes and style, and all that requires is subtle observation and class discussion. I was the most active participator and the biggest slacker in my class at the same time and my teacher loved me (and meanwhile I learnedexactly what the class was trying to teach). Now, if you're talking about this issue from a moral honor perspective, notes might just be the easy way out, and are "cheap". The truth is you don't lose anyhting with notes except a few tears at the end of the book and minor details in the plot, and that is at the reader's own expense, and I say if they're willing to deal with that loss go ahead. One might say something like (for example) "what makes harry potter so great is all the tiny details in the classroom, and if you don't read it you don't get it!", but as long as you know that they're there, you've learned the style (or an aspect) and all you don't know is what wall the fireplace was on, or what Neville forgot to bring to class; these details are only necessary for a word for word recount of a book, or a test that asks only for facts about the plot, but what I think matters most is the philosphical and analytical process of determining what kind of theme the book represents, and how that theme is portrayed through the style.

  • eh.. i agree ppl shud reali stop using lk sparknotes n stuff. thy shud jus read tha book n get into a better college.but still i was one of those ppl this summer. i didnt read tha book so im probably gonna fail first quarter. sry i agree with tha kidz on this one :P

  • I didn't think the book was boring, I liked it. I read it. I would like guides to help me understand books better and what not but I'm not desperate for it. Except for the Scarlet Letter. I don't know why but I can't read the book. I sit there with the book in my hand and I feel this agonizing boredom. I can't understand what's going on and it's so boring. It spends like five chapters with the woman showing everyone her scarlet letter.

  • Ok, listen this book is so freaking boring and it amazes how many people agree with me on this one.THANK GOD. Oh, sorry was that to overeager?! By the way,for those of you picking on little Dennis I say leave him alone! With a name like that you can't help, but be a book worm! Just Kidding You're Cool by ME Dennis!!

  • I find myself disgusted with people of my age. It's amazing how many people have regressed in to their happy adrenaline pumping worlds. Their everything has to happen so fast that you might as well read the cliff notes instead of wasting time "sittin on ur ass readin books." Ha, Bradbury wasn't so far off after all and there is proof ^^^^^ :(

  • this book sucks i was so bored i didnt even read it its a shame your website dosnt offer cliff notes

  • Thanks for sharing your wisdom, Anonymous Coward. It almost makes me want to chuck my job and buy a skateboard.

  • DGJ u need to find urself partner and live a real life. sittin on ur ass readin books is a waste of time. you only get 1 life, you might as well live it to the fullest...

Published by
Dennis G. Jerz

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