Gemini: Marketers of Brand Name Accessories — About Us

To assure its continued success, Gemini has further increased it’s [sic] exposure to retailers and consumers alike with innovative marketing and a successful brand[-]building strategy. The For Dummies brand was recently added to Gemini’s stable of product lines. With it’s [sic] recognizable brand name, For Dummies compliments [sic] the current Gemini brand profile that includes such strong brand names as Philips, Magnavox, Philips Magnavox, Zenith, and Southwestern Bell Freedom Phone. The company’s multi-tiered brand strategy is an affirmation of Gemini’s commitment to maintain it’s [sic] leadership position. —Gemini: Marketers of Brand Name Accessories — About Us (

Here’s the e-mail I just sent to technical support:

I am unable to install the Gemini Recoil PC gamepad (GGE908) on my Dell Inspiron 700m.

When I first plug it in, I get “USB Device Not Recognized”. When I follow the Windows dialog boxes, Windows can’t find any drivers on the CD included with your product.

When I run the “setup.exe” program on the CD, it runs through a wizard and adds a folder to my Start menu, but the only thing in that folder is “uninstall”.

I checked and found a driver to download, but the zipped file on that site is password protected.

I’ve gone through the Windows troubleshooting guides several times, with no help.

I have restarted my computer and rerun “setup.exe” several times.

A few seconds after I pushed “send,” the following appeared in my inbox:

<>: does not like recipient.

Remote host said: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for

Giving up on

Time to get the receipt and send that sad puppy back to Wal*Mart.

Post was last modified on 5 May 2015 12:19 am

View Comments

  • Yep, It's junk. Doesn't even work on Asteroids. My old windows 95 15 pin serial gamepad out performs this new USB Gemini piece of junk.

  • bought the GGE908 and can not get it to work. After reading some of the comments i'm thinking about taking it back. will it even work with Half-Life and doom??

    I was able to successfully dwon load everything but the drivers and I am not well versed on computors to go get one. It is really giving me a burn trying to figure it out.

  • when we put in the installation software is stock in 94% and the 94%number start blinking. what can i do please help me how to installed?

  • i play America's Army and i hate the ey bord and i wint to walmart and buy a GGE908 retractable pc controller and i cant get to work on both analogs 1 will work and i cant get the right side to work so i can ame and my guy is ames down buy it self iny 1 now how to fix or now what controller will work for this game???

  • This sucks just like any product @ walmart i tryed to play gta vice city and this retarded gemini product cant configure to any system .....well off to walmart you cant even find out where this company is located i tryed everything to track them down. Does any one know if this product has a recall or possible even viruses attached to it. If any one has info please post. Thanks.

  • In response to question 27, you have to have the controller plugged into the computer before the game is opened. then you should be able to go into whatever game you have and configure the controller. (ie what buttons do what in your game).

  • When I play halo for the pc the controller is far too sensitive. i've tried desensitizing with the options in halo, but it is still way to sensitive (ie. when i'm trying to aim a sniper rifle). i've tried to use the calibration page in the control panel, but its so confusing and i dont know how to use it. other than that, the controller seems to be great. it works online and offline. i bascially need to know how to make it less sensitive, and whether or not i need to use the calibration page.

  • Our game controler seems to be installed OK. How do we get the pc game we are playing to recognize it?

  • You are a bunch of idiots. Who ever heard of using a game pad to play FPS games? XBOX and PS2 weanies perhaps......
    Use the freakin mouse and keyboard like real gamers.
    Gamepads are only good for sports games....
    And by the way, no problems here with my Gemini.

  • i installed the software but cant figure out how to get the control to work when i play a game it only lets me use the mouse and the keyboard

Published by
Dennis G. Jerz