Using a Typewriter Simulator to Teach Media History

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  • I had a manual typewriter in my Writing Center when I taught First Grade . One of my students excitedly exclaimed,"Wow! Check it out! This doesn't even need batteries or electricity to work!"

  • I worked in an office once where what they called “kindergarten skills” were routinely used to cut and paste: actual, physical cutting and pasting of documents, then using a copy machine to create the doctored one.

  • The simulation only shows about 200 words at a time, so yes, they will either have to assemble printouts or screenshots.

  • My hubby and I had five or six portable typewriters; the best one (my mother's) was taken by a young relative early on. We still have a portable electric Smith-Corona, which I've kept for "sentimental" reasons. No idea where to get ribbons for it, though ... well, I have to admit I haven't actually looked online, or anywhere else. I really have NO DESIRE to go back to a typewriter ... When I was working on my Master of Library Science at UC Berkeley in the '60s, the hardest class for me was the first semester of cataloging; I actually had to RENT a decent typewriter to churn out those neat and perfect catalog cards!!! 🙁

  • I can cancel an office hour for that time slot - let me know what day :). I even have old dip pens, real goose quills, and a bamboo dip quill that Evan made in art class a year and a half ago. I'm in!

  • Its MW 2:15. I'd love for you to share your interest in fountain pens.

  • Joshua Sasmor I would welcome a visit from you in February, during our manuscript unit.

Published by
Dennis G. Jerz

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